Hunter Sensors


Weather Sensors are a necessity on any Irrigation Systems. For applications that require additional assurance, Hunter also offers a "Smart Control" weather based adjustments. ET, Wind, Freeze, and Flow Sensors to eliminate wasteful watering. 

Hunter Solar Sync

Hunter Solar Sync



The Solar Sync Sensor is an advanced weather sensor that calculates evapotranspiration (ET) and adjusts Hunter controllers daily based upon onsite weather conditions. Solar Sync measures sunlight and temperature, and uses ET to determine the correct seasonal adjustment percentage value to send to the controller. The controller then uses its programmed run time and adjusts to Solar Sync’s seasonal adjustment value to modify the actual irrigation run time for that day. In addition, the Solar Sync sensor integrates Hunter’s popular Rain-Click™ and Freeze-Clik® sensors providing quick response in shutting down your irrigation system during rain and/or freezing conditions. The Solar Sync is compatible with most Hunter controllers and applicable to residences, businesses, and municipalities alike.

  • Provides automated daily adjustment to program run times

  • Wired and wireless models available

  • No Water Window programming available (except X-Core)

  • Solar Sync may be used in IMMS central installations.

  • Rain and freeze shutoff

  • Gutter mount bracket included

  • Warranty period: 5 years (10 year battery warranty for wireless model)

Hunter Wireless Rain Clik

Hunter Rain Clik



Most rain-sensing devices work by accumulating a set amount of rainfall before a switch is activated that interrupts the circuit from the controller and shuts off the system. In that “accumulation time”, the system will unnecessarily continue to water. This can look especially bad for conservation-conscious municipalities, businesses, and residences. With built-in Quick Response technology, the Hunter Rain-Clik and Wireless Rain-Clik can command a controller to shut off right when it starts to rain. The Rain-Clik can be mounted on an eave or any flat vertical surface like a wall or fence. A gutter mount is also available that allows for easy installation of the Rain-Clik on the edge of a gutter.

  • Quick Response™ feature shuts the system off as soon as it starts raining

  • Maintenance-free design with 10-year battery life for Wireless Rain-Clik

  • Adjustable vent ring allows for setting of reset delay

  • Rugged polycarbonate housing and metal extension arm

  • Rain-Clik includes 7.6 m of 0.5 mm2 (20 AWG) sheathed, two-conductor, UL-approved wire

  • Wireless unit available with 244 m range from wireless sensor to receiver

  • Warranty period: 5 years (10 year battery warranty for wireless model)

  • Compatible with most controllers

Hunter Mini Clik

Hunter Mini Clik



Irrigating a landscape during a rainstorm not only results in oversaturated plants and turf, it also wastes water. Hunter's Mini Clik rain sensor provides the simplest, most effective way to prevent sprinklers from running during or after any level of rainfall. It easily installs on any automatic irrigation system. The Mini-Clik stops scheduled irrigation when it detects a pre-set level of rain has fallen. This automatic process ensures landscapes aren’t watered during a storm. Once the storm passes, the Mini-Clik allows the controller to resume normal irrigation. Mini-Clik is compatible with all Hunter controllers, and once plugged in, it ensures that a system doesn’t water during the rain.

  • Easily installs on any automatic irrigation system

  • Debris tolerant for reliable operation and no unnecessary shutdowns

  • Can be set to shut system off from 3 mm to 25 mm of rainfall

  • Includes 7.6 m of 0.5 mm2 (20 AWG) sheathed, two-conductor, UL-approved wire.

  • Warranty period: 5 years

  • Optional user-installed metal gutter mount for Mini-Clik®

Hunter Mini Weather Station

Hunter Mini Weather Station



Ensuring efficient irrigation means being prepared for changing weather. The Hunter Mini-Weather Station helps system operators be as prepared as possible by combining each of Hunter's three different sensor devices in a single convenient unit. The Mini-Clik® rain sensor shuts down irrigation off in a storm and keeps them off, automatically compensating for the amount of rainfall that occurred.The Wind-Clik® shuts off systems during periods of high wind and automatically resets the system when conditions are more favorable. Attaching to the controller with just two wires, the Mini-Weather Station is easy to install and ready to go to work ensuring efficient watering even during drastic weather changes.

  • Compact sensor that monitors wind and rain, then automatically shuts the irrigation system off as weather conditions require

  • Installs easily on automatic irrigation system

  • Set wind speed shutdown from 19 to 56 km/h

  • Set rain shutdown from 3 mm to 25 mm of rainfall

  • Warranty period: 5 years.

Hunter Wind Clik

Hunter Wind Clik



Look at any sprinkler’s performance chart and you’ll see that the data was gathered from tests conducted under zero wind conditions. Of course, in the real world, not every day is a calm one. And, while most sprinklers can still perform at close to peak efficiency with some type of breeze, when the air movement starts to get stronger, water coverage can get challenging, questionable and downright messy. It can even become a liability issue when windblown sprinklers soak pedestrian paths or roadways with passing cars. The Hunter Wind-Clik offers the most cost-effective solution to such situations as it shuts off irrigation systems during periods of high wind (shut down points are adjustable), then automatically resets the system when conditions are more favorable. With Wind-Clik you’ll save water, worry and money as your system will only be operating at the times when you can be sure that the water intended for your landscape will reach its destination. For effective wind control, you’ll be blown away by Wind-Clik…instead of simply seeing your water blown away by the wind.

  • Adjusts to activate and reset at various wind speeds

  • Two types of operation: “normally open” or “normally closed” wiring

  • Warranty period: 5 years

  • Works with fountain systems to eliminate overspray in windy conditions

Hunter Soil Clik

Hunter Soil Clik



The Soil-Clik simplifies soil moisture sensing. The Soil-Clik probe uses proven technology to measure moisture within the root zone. When the probe senses that the soil has reached its desired moisture level, it will shut down irrigation, preventing water waste.

Soil-Clik has two components: A moisture sensor probe, which is placed in the soil, and an electronic module, which communicates with the probe and the controller. The probe is easy to install – simply bury it to the correct root depth for your plant material. It can be placed up to 300 metres from the controller. Easy push button operation allows adjustments to the desired moisture level, with an immediate update of actual measurements.

The module attaches to all AC powered Hunter controllers and will work with most other manufacturers’ AC powered controllers. Soil-Clik can be programmed to shut down irrigation when it senses adequate moisture.

Backed by Hunter’s 5-year warranty, the Soil-Clik is an effective water-saver either by itself or as a companion with Solar Sync® for an environmentally responsive solution.

  • Soil moisture level and status at a glance

  • Shuts down irrigation when desired moisture level has been reached

  • One-touch override allows soil moisture bypass for special conditions

  • Low voltage outdoor enclosure powered by host controller

  • Simple installation allows probe to be up to 300 m from controller

  • Connect to Hunter sensor inputs, or use to interrupt common wires in virtually any 24 VAC irrigation system

  • Use with X-Core®, Pro-C® and I-Core®, and ACC Clik sensor inputs

  • Ideal companion sensor to Solar Sync®

  • Warranty period: 5 years

Hunter Flow-Sync





















Hunter Flow-Sync Sensor

  • The Flow-Sync is a simple and economical solution for metering and reacting to actual flow conditions. A proven water saver, the HFS connects to the ACC and I-Core controllers to measure actual flow, and provides automatic reaction to high or low flow conditions during irrigation. The HFS is designed for use on pipe sizes up to 10 cm. When installed in conjunction with a master valve, the HFS can be a key source in preventing water waste resulting from line breakage.
Hunter Flow-Sync features;
  • Simple two wire connection to ACC and I-Core controllers (up to 300m)
  • Feeds flow data (gallons or litres) to controller, for flow recoding and monitoring pipes.
  • Robust waterproof construction.
  • Provides station level flow monitoring for reaction to high or low conditions
  • Prevents damage and waste from leaks and breaks in piping system.
  • Recommended pressure range: 1.5 to 15.0 Bar; 150 to 1500 kPa
  • Pressure Loss: > .009 Bar; 900 pascals




Hydrawise Flow Meter


























Why is a flow meter useful?
Flow meters can be used to detect broken pipes, spray heads, faulty valves or faulty wiring. An undetected water leak can take months to detect and lead to expensive water bills. Faulty wiring could mean that your garden isn’t receiving the right amount of water – possibly leading to plants dying and leaving you with the cost of replacing them. A flow meter also allows you to understand the amount of water being placed on your garden. A flow meter means that you can monitor your irrigation system remotely without need to visit onsite.

How does the flow meter work?
A HydraWise flow meter is placed inline with your mains. This allows it to measure water flow through the mains when an irrigation zone is active. Additionally, the flow meter can also detect faulty valves or pipes.



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